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# Project Name Start End Word Project Type Amount Latest Status Progress
1 Devinagar UPS supply warehouse sanitary latrine with warehouse no. 7 09-11-2018 23-11-2018 7 lgsp 134000 24-11-2018 বাস্তবায়িত
2 Devinagar UPS No. 6 sanitary latrine with sanitary latrine supply of sanitary latrines. 05-11-2018 21-11-2018 06 lgsp 134465 22-11-2018 বাস্তবায়িত
3 Construction of wall of protection wall in front of Said Master's house in Idrish Hajir Tollar of Ward No. 5 of Devinagar U.P. 05-11-2018 20-11-2018 5 lgsp 134000 22-11-2018 বাস্তবায়িত
4 Construction of Boundary Wall of Fargan Hajir Tollar Community Clinic of Ward No.1 in Devinagar U.P. 01-11-2018 30-11-2018 1 lgsp 424000 02-12-2018 বাস্তবায়িত
5 Semi eggs set in ward 8 and 9 in Devinagar U.P. 21-11-2018 10-12-2018 8 ও 9 lgsp 268000 11-12-2018 বাস্তবায়িত
6 front of Nazrul Master's house from the road tollar of Bisd Mondal of Ward No. 4 in Devinagar U.P. 05-11-2018 21-11-2018 4 lgsp 134000 22-11-2018 বাস্তবায়িত
7 Construction of wall of protection wall in front of Qasim Ali's house in Idris Hajir Tollar of Ward No. 5 of Devinagar U.P. 05-11-2018 20-11-2018 5 lgsp 134000 22-11-2018 বাস্তবায়িত
8 Installing the tubes of Ward 1, 2 and 3 of Devinagar UP. 11-11-2018 28-11-2018 1, 2 ও 3 lgsp 134000 29-11-2018 বাস্তবায়িত
9 Construction of wall of protection wall along the street in front of the house of Rashid shop owner of Ahmed Biswas of Ward No. 2 in Devinagar U.P. 17-11-2018 01-12-2018 2 lgsp 134000 02-12-2018 বাস্তবায়িত
10 Construction of Protection Wall beside the house of Abdus Samad of Calcutta village of Ward No.1 in Devinagar U.P. 11-11-2018 25-11-2018 1 lgsp 134000 26-11-2018 বাস্তবায়িত
11 Construction wall of protection wall along the street in front of Faruk Ali's shop at South Mather Bar at the new village of Devinagar U.P. 05-11-2018 21-11-2018 06 lgsp 200000 22-11-2018 বাস্তবায়িত
12 Construction of the wall on the street on the side of Anarul's house in the gardenpara village of ward no 3 of Devinor U.P. 05-11-2018 20-11-2018 3 lgsp 134000 22-11-2018 বাস্তবায়িত
13 নতুনপাড়া আলাউদ্দীনের বাড়ি হইতে সুখীর বাড়ি পর্যন্ত রাস্তা এইচবিবি করণ lgsp বাস্তবায়নাধীন